arrows wallpapers
If you are familiar with the Indian, ethnic atmosphere, you will surely like our wallpapers with a shot theme. Depending on the model, they can vary in size and colour. In the children's room the wallpaper will look great, where besides the arrows there are Indian tipi, bird feathers and the heads of nice bears and foxes. The interiors decorated in ethno style will be ideally suited for white and black wallpaper with shot, wigwam, cactus, feathers and fancy, geometric patterns.

If you want to make a room look taller than it really is, choose wallpaper with thin, vertical arrows. If you want to extend it optically, use a decoration with a horizontal motif. You can use this type of wallpaper in almost any room. This is a good solution for the hallway, dining room, living room or bedroom. We guarantee that the application of our wallpaper will not cause you any problems.