grunge wallpapers
When you hear "grunge" you think "Nirvana"? If the answer is yes, this collection of wallpapers is for you. It's a modern style with an artistic touch. Here you will find patterns that look like dirt from a car mechanic's workshop, carelessly painted crosses from tic-tac-toe games, geometric three-dimensional patterns and abstractly splashed paint.

These are wallpapers that will match the style of a modern interior with an eclectic decor and a nonchalant approach to design. We are convinced that, while for the new generation, grunge is only a long-gone moment in the history of music, it can still be appreciated in design. After all, teenagers are still rebelling, wanting to break the rules and break established patterns. Grunge wallpapers will appeal to teenagers who want a room in a rebellious style. It is best to leave young people free. If the child chooses the decor of his immediate space himself, he will be happy to be there, and most importantly - feel comfortable.