cold wallpapers
Blue is a color that has a calming effect. Cool shades help to calm down and bring harmony and balance into the space. However, wallpapers, which are dominated by blue, can have a variety of character. Those that imitate careless brushstrokes, splashes, or abstract paintings will complete the arrangement in an artistic style.

If you care about the impression of calmness, put on classic combinations. Wallpaper with cool colors set with white furniture or made of wood. If you are decorating a children's room, place wallpaper on one wall and leave the rest in bright colors. This will make the space where your toddler is staying friendly to him. Blue is connected with mountains, water, clouds and clean air. Therefore, it will also work well in arrangements referring to nature. Choose colors carefully so that they complement each other. This will allow you to get an aesthetic interior in which you want to stay. Reach for wallpaper in a cool shade to the living room, bathroom and bedroom.