aqua wallpapers
Can't decide whether you prefer a walk by the sea or going to the mountains? On the one hand, you are attracted to the blue depths of the water, and on the other, the blue endlessness of the sky? We can't tell you what you should choose, but we do have some wallpaper suggestions that you may like. We have reached for the most beautiful shades of blue and show how many arrangements they can be used.

Some refer directly to the element of water, others stimulate the imagination and encourage reflection. You will find geometric patterns - stripes, zigzags and even triangles. Plant motifs in cool blue tones are a bit disturbing, but create a calm, calming atmosphere in the interior. If you arrange your living room or bedroom, be inspired by our suggestions. The depth of blue sounds best when accompanied by white, black and natural shades of brown. Therefore, bet on wood, plants and colors inspired by nature.