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- Female trees shrubs Glass Wall Art

Female trees shrubs Glass Wall Art
Quality products from the manufacturer.
Are you looking for perfect complement to your interior? In Coloray offer you will find breathtaking decorations printed on glass, which will arouse admiration and delight in every visitor. Female trees shrubs Glass Wall Art is exquisite ornament excellent aesthetic value and richness of colors in one. Pictures available in Coloraydecor.com offer is excellent way for variation interior and chance to refresh the arrangement. Female trees shrubs Glass Wall Art is not to this rule. It is product with extraordinary aesthetic value. It is a perfect complement idea for aesthetics a given space. When choosing decorations, we should follow the sight, then it is worth discovering the inner willingness to create is the simple way to do this, so that our interior becomes ideal and cozy.
Print ready to be installed
The edge of the print is made of tempered glass
Hangers are glued in two places on the painting
Finished print in perspective
Visualisation of the glass print's elements