coloraydecor magazine page 26

We invite you to our inspiring place, thanks to which you will create beautiful spaces around you. Here you will find great ideas for interior design and products that will help you bring an amazing atmosphere to your home. With us you will learn the latest trends, decor tips and how to independently, make a amazing metamorphosis of your home.

ARTICLES [results: 108]

Kitchen revolutions with wallpaper in the main role

The self-adhesive wallpaper is one of the latest inventions in interior decoration. Customers all over the world choose it eagerly as it's easy to install and anyone can adjust an order to their own needs. You no longer need to buy wallpaper rolls in DIY stores and bother with mixing and evenly spreading the adhesive. All you have to do is measure your wall and order the right dimension tailored to what you need and when the wallpaper arrives, jus

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Vintage interiors - a trip in time

Decorations accompany people since the dawn of time. We often put old designs aside, reaching out for new ones. Whereas, there is something which slips by, fortunately we don't forget about it completely. The Vintage style, which we more and more often return to, shows us that a proper design never gets old! It is quite the contrary - the passing time gives it more character, originality, and value.

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Classic wall decoration in a modern edition

Modern interiors and wallpapers? It is a very good trend that has been present at our homes for some time. Interior decorated in a modern way does not rule out modern wallpaper. On the current wallpaper market you can find solutions that, thanks to their innovativeness, are not only elegantly made but also enable you to do renovation faster and without the mess. We mainly talk about the removable wallpaper with a printed pattern that is currently in. See what it may look like! 

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3 ideas for green energy in the living room

Green is a wonderful color which is pleasantly associated with nature. In interior design it helps to introduce harmony into a room and makes it easier to relax within an own apartment. The interior which often constitutes our initial destination after returning home is the living room, sometimes referred to as a salon. We sit on the couch, turn on the computer of TV, or we read the newspaper holding a cup of our favorite beverage. It is worth to pay attention when decorating a living room -<

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