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We invite you to our inspiring place, thanks to which you will create beautiful spaces around you. Here you will find great ideas for interior design and products that will help you bring an amazing atmosphere to your home. With us you will learn the latest trends, decor tips and how to independently, make a amazing metamorphosis of your home.

ARTICLES [results: 106]

Wall mural - what material to choose?

What kind of wallpaper material will work best in the kitchen, and what in the living room? Is it worth investing in traditional wallpaper, or maybe we should choose a modern one? These questions often occur to us just before buying a wall mural. We will try to introduce you to the materials of our wall murals, so you will find your favourite wallpaper without any problems!

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How to tear off the wallpaper?

A well-placed question should be: how to effectively tear off the wall mural in order not to damage the wall? Murals and wallpapers are a hit of several seasons, due to their visual and aesthetic qualities. With time, however, even the most beautiful pattern will get bored and we are looking for a variation in the form of another wallpaper or paint. We have collected some useful tips for you how to remove the wall mural without damaging the wall.

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How to stick a wall mural

Spring and summer is the time for interior design changes, from the choice of furniture to the choice of fashionable accessories. Sooner or later, there will be a question of how to stick the mural? It would seem that all you have to do is take the glue, spread the wallpaper and enjoy the effects of your own work.  However, reality is strongly verifying this course of thinking, so we have prepared a little wallpaper sticking guide for you.

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Mid-century wallpapers patterns

Vintage wall murals are becoming trendy again! You can have beautiful jacquard patterns on your Victorian wall whether you live - in a small apartment or a huge, multi-generational house. Why this sudden return to the decorative past?

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